Sam Nuttmann


My name is Sam Nuttmann, I'm a filmmaker living in Seattle, born and raised in Southern California. I've had a passion for music and art since I was a little kid and that passion continues to this day.

My first love has always been music and although I'm a filmmaker by trade, I would say that most of the imagery that I capture, edit or direct always has a soundtrack connected to it, even if it's just in my head. Storytelling through music and film continues to fascinate me and despite the challenges that come along with a career in filmmaking, my need to communicate through art keeps me inspired and pushes me to do more.

Connect To is a project that my friend Lisa LeVan introduced me to and from the start, I knew it would be great fun to work on. Plus, working with my good friend Keith Bolling (Director of Photography) on a shoot is always a good collaboration and a great time, so I was in without hesitation.

The shoot schedule was challenging - a fifteen minute short with several locations, shot in two days in the cold Seattle winter, tight locations, noisy bus motors, a whole list of challenges. But in my experience, challenges invoke invention and creativity, two of my favorite things. So we worked through them all and ended up with a beautiful film that I am very proud to have been a part of. I hope you enjoy it!

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